Our brand logos are available for use in marketing and publicity for the benefit of Mansfield Paper Company and its interests, subject to the terms of this Mansfield Paper Logo Usage Policy.  These guidelines will help you determine the best way to use our logo.

Mansfield Paper Company logos are available for customers and vendors by request. The officially released Mansfield Paper Company logos are the only logos approved for use in all materials and are subject to the terms and guidelines following:

  • Any reprinting, sublicensing, modifying, publishing, assignment, transfer, sales, or other distribution of the Mansfield Paper Company, Inc. logo in part or as a whole, is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of Mansfield Paper Company, Inc.
  • The Mansfield Paper Company, Inc. logo is to be used "as it appears" and must not be altered materially or otherwise without prior written permission of Mansfield Paper Company, Inc
  • Any copyright notice, digital watermark or proprietary tagline contained in or around the logo must not be altered or removed. Unauthorized copying of the Mansfield Paper Company, Inc. logo or failure to comply with any of the terms, restrictions, conditions, or limitations herein could result in Federal prosecution.

The terms of this agreement are subject to change without notice.
Please contact us for approval before using Mansfield Paper Company, AIM or Party World name, logo or images.

Please publish modules in offcanvas position.